This morning I was out at dark. After yesterdays poor 7.5 miles it had to be better today.
My First Boston Number
With my favorite shoes on and the day being Patriots Day, it meant one thing , The Boston Marathon.
I have done the race 12 times and it is a marathoners goal. The whole hype of marathon weekend in New England is to be experienced at least once.
As I run this morning my memories of Boston are as clear as the sky is blue.
Early up because you just can't sleep and down a cup of coffee or 2. For me after the coffee I put on my clothes to take a short mile jog, you know , take care of nature. Remember I have run the race many times and in Hoptkinton you want that chore taken care of prior to leaving the hotel.
A bagel or two down the hatch and for me I headed to the hotel that overlooked the buses leaving for the start. Again I have done this before.
Sitting in nice chairs , a beautiful hotel rest room a few feet away, I just sit and watch as everyone boards the buses for the trip to the start.
As the deadline for the last buses out nears, the lines grow short and out the door I go and hop on. I like leaving late because sitting on the hard ground , or in the mud, or freezing, or getting sun burnt at the start isn't fun.
The usual wait getting to start last is about a hour before you need to stage for start. This is good.
As I run today, I can see the course in my mind. The first 5 on a narrow tree lined road, dropping like a rock to Ashland, across the flats to Nadick and the screams passing thru Wellesley College.
Next yup are the Newton hills. I have passed over them and wondered when they were coming, and other years wondered when they would end. Down the other side and into Brookline and the turn on Commonwealth Ave.
This is a great part, passing Boston College, Fenway Park looking up at the Citco sign and smell the finish.
The best marathon finish in the world is that run down Boylston. It is a trip you will always remember, and each time it still is a special feeling, running a good time or bad.
The trip down Boylston your head is up , smile on your face and the legs look fine even if you are having a terrible run.
The trip on the Boston course is the end of a long journey. The long training to get to the entry standard, so this is the reward.

7 miles today remembering Boston
Great post. Makes me want to try, one more time, for a BQ.