Training in sun , heat and humidity has always been good for me.
I have always been able to handle heat.
The past 2 days I have put in alot, and feel really good.
After the bike last night I was still hungry and pasta with chicken hit the spot. Can't beat pasta anytime.

This morning out at 6am, for a very good 10 miler. I started a little slow, remember recovery just isn't quite as fast as it was 30 years ago , but after about 4 miles my pace was at my NYC starting pace of 8 min miles.
It felt fine as I was in the rolling part of the run ( Carmel Hills , yea right but it's all we got) and although the sun wasn't beating hot the humidity was pretty thick, but on I pushed getting into the high 7's for a couple miles.
Bit by bit I will get the pace down to my goal pace for NYC. If I pull it off GREAT, if I don't I sure won't loose any sleep over it.
I am just really glad to still be able to run and mountain bike, its a blast. When you run for enjoyment the benefits are so much better. Win or lo.. ( you never lose when you run ) , putting your foot on the start line , covering the distance and crossing the finish is a win win every time , and the time is just a number!

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