Today is Flag Day in the United States. Let her fly. We have all we have because of Old Glory like what happens or not.
99.9% of us would not change countries , no matter what they may say outwardly, period.
Now back in my day , the 60's there were lots to protest .
It has been reported and seen down in Louisinia, the US flag flying upside down. That is in protest which is legal last time I saw our rights.
Also there is etiquette in flying the US Flag
The US Code for flying the United States flag upside down is :
"If you are in dire straits or about to be overrun"
The US Code for flying the United States flag upside down is :
"If you are in dire straits or about to be overrun"
My thoughts on the folks on the coast in Louisinia is , go for it , dire straits is where they are along the coast, thanks to a few money hungry companies, that right now think money will take care of everything , so if the folks down there flay the flag upside down today, HEY they are in dire straits and being overrun.

Is that a gas pump or a 38 Special
This morning it was reported that it may take 20 years for life to resume in this effected area of the Gulf of Mexico
On the bottom , under the water is a sludge layer so thick nothing will survive. Wonder how BP plans on vacuuming the sea floor ??
As for the run , still like running thur thick soup, but no complaints from me. A weekend off of running, today was a 4.5 mile get back to it run.

I really needed a couple days off for a re-charge !!
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