Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Aug 16, 2010

Out Early
Out early this morning, 6am , and the humidity did leave the area. It was sure a good run. Out at dark I headed to a virgin golf course to make a loop.

This one is a couple miles west of the house , and in the 70's was Carmel's high end course set in Indiana's largest apartment complex.

But in 2010,, and before the economy tanked , this place was scheduled to go down. It was going to be converted to a high end village , just what Carmel needs another of.

Now it would have been a definite upgrade to the neighborhood , but today it and its golf course are pretty sad.

As you know I am hitting all the golf courses I can and making a loop on the cart paths, and proof being a hole marker.

Mohawk had no markers, and 2 cart paths with a total of maybe 100 meters of pavement between them. So around the apartment parking lots and couldn't wait to exit the place.

The run was still good, after Sunday nights 15 miles on the mountain bike thru the trails at a very fast pace.

Another course down , and the next one will deliver some kind of proof.

Oh , the final piece of my new mountain bike is in my hands , and looks as by Wednesday its time to try it out
6 mile on a great early morning run

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