Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday October 11, 2010

The Brown County Breakdown 60 mile Adventure
Everything was packed and ready to go as I went toward the coffee pot. I needed to be out the door at 6:30 for the trip to Brown County for the mountain bike event called the Breakdown.

My loop was 60 miles to Nebo Ridge , hopefully without accident , flat, ripe off any bike parts or worst end up in the hospital

I made it to Brown County as daylight broke for the 8am start with 600 other bikers.... mountain bike variety

I proceed to check -in and get my wristband that gets me into the Hoosier National Forest about 25 miles from the start. Like a DNR officer is going to be standing in the trail checking ID

So I get my gear on , it is a little cool at the start, but with temp's heading to the mid 80's I need to stay for 20 minutes into the ride and I will be plenty warm by then
The Garmin is cleared out and ready to go , Camelback on with 70 oz of water, 6 gel packs, 2 extra tire tubes ( hope I don't need them ) extra chain ( really hope I don't need that ) cell phone ( it has coverage most of the time ) I.D. ( in case the worst happens ) personal needs out of the way , so I am ready to go !

The bad part of this event is the first 11 miles, even worse the first mile . In my starting grid 168 strong its a race to the trail head, first in gets a clean shot at the first climb. Trust me, that's important.
Unlike running , you don't really warm-up , you have 60 miles to do that, but that first 1-2 miles is a sprint and look down at the Garmin and the heart rate is 170 and haven't seen the first hill yet.
The 11 miles to Hesitation Point is a lot of climbing , some tight switchbacks and the rock garden.
Death waiting to happen, no place for the timid. You have to concentrate and keep moving at a steady pace.
Weird thing , the harder the obstacle, the faster you need to go. If you can roll over the stuff quickly you tend to stay upright, and thru this part you don't want to fall...... it a big drop to the bottom and chances of things breaking are pretty good.

It's a pretty long train heading thru the rocks , and the rocks were winning. They are tough and the very dry conditions in the trail didn't help.
No moisture on the trail and traction is as bad as a lot of mud

About 1:20 from the start you made it out on Hesitation Point, and the view is beautiful. All that cranking uphill this is what you get.
I have a gel and a bottle of energy drink and head back into the connector trail heading to the campground.
This part is really fun and fast. It does have another section of rocks , but going downhill not to much trouble . ( remember that )

Pretty wide trail at this point , heading thru the campground and then catching the horse trail down to Tim's Cabin.
This is a low spot in Brown County and is at the 20 mile point.
On the way down to the cabin is a blast, at one point I was at 24 mph for about a mile , weaving thru the ruts and rocks.
On a mountain bike you cannot be scared, respect yes, relaxed a must or bad things can happen
Hitting a big rock on a downhill is hospital time for sure
Even at that speed I was on the brakes, or I woulds have been going 40. I am old and know my parts don't need any trauma to them

The cabin , another chance to refuel and get ready for the tough Nebo Ridge climb, and 20 mile loop back to the cabin

I had a chance to have Joe adjust the shifting , as something on the way down must have hit the derailleur as it wasn't shifted real smooth, and I needed it to for the rest of the day

Off to Nebo, and about 3:15 into it and it's getting hot. I have seemed to be with a group of 6 guys for the majority of the ride so far and we are going at it together.

Once up on Nebo Ridge its little climb after little climb, then a nice little stretch of downhill and back to jeep path to return to the cabin

From years past, heading out of the cabin and back to Hesitation Point is HARD. The first half mile is like straight up and staying on the bike in all the loose dirt is just about impossible .

Then for the next 5 miles ( 1 hour of granny gear ) its everything you can do getting to the top.
You have to miss the rocks , and just keep going. Heart rate back up to the 180's

At the top finally you get a break for a few miles the back to the rock gardens, but this time you,ve been going for 6 hours and getting tired.
You need to concentrate or bad things can happen.
Remember when I said the downhill thru the rocks wasn't bad..... it was coming up.
All was good, my new bike handles the bigger stuff so much better, but I thought I had a good line on these monster rocks, I was out of the saddle cranking, I was in the right gear, then
a body slam on this big ass rock...... hurt, really hurt

As I laid there for a couple minutes to get my breath, inspect the damage to me , well the only way back to the car is finish the ride... so off I go, slower but moving with about 10 miles to go
At this point the trails were not packed as people were scattered over 20 mile's or so
That was my only problem all day but it was a good one. Actually it was the first wreck all year for me all year

Well I made it back to the start, with more dusty dirt on me and the bike when I showered it looked like mud flowing off

It was a great ride . 6:45 and the goal was under 7 hours. I am sore from the wreck today , my elbow has a pretty good cut, no broken ribs ( Dee checked them out ) just sore on the side of my chest, point of the Gary Brackett slam , and hip a little sore from same slam

Other than that it was a great day, really tired , but I will run in the morning

And for all that fun ... this is what you get.
Leadville is still on the bucket list !!!

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